Stop Rodent Ramblings: The Rodent Trap - Classic Design, Effective Results!
Unwanted mice or rats causing havoc in your home? Don't despair! The Rodent Trap offers a reliable and time-tested solution for eliminating these pesky critters. This classic design is simple to use and delivers effective results, keeping your home free from unwanted guests.
Here's why The Rodent Trap is your pest control essential:
- Simple & Effective: Easy to set and use, perfect for quick rodent control.
- Cost-Efficient: A long-lasting solution that saves you money in the long run.
- Safe for Indoor Use: Discreet design for placement in attics, basements, or crawl spaces.
- Sanitary Disposal: Eliminates the need to touch dead rodents.
- Proven Design: A trusted method for catching mice and rats, ensuring peace of mind.
Note: While "The Rodent Trap" is a generic name, this description highlights the benefits of a classic snap trap and positions it as a reliable and cost-effective solution.
The RODENT GLUE TRAY is used to capture rats and mice.
Our sticky traps attract rodents leading them to the trap.
How to use the Rodent Trap:
- Place THE RODENT TRAY against a wall or other vertical surfaces where the majority of crawling rodents may be present.
- Gardens, basements, garages, storage buildings, and outdoors are the most common places to find them.
- Do not place in open areas, which rodents tend to avoid.
- Place the trap away from running water sources.
- To avoid misplacement, place trap tightly when used outdoor.
- Contains unique food grade attractants
Safe for children, safe for pets, no added chemicals, for indoor & outdoor use
Expiry Date:
12 months for indoor use & 6 month for outdoor use
Take back control of your home! Order The Rodent Trap today and experience a classic and effective way to eliminate mice and rats. Enjoy a pest-free haven with peace of mind!
مصيدة لإلتقاط الفئران والجرذان
تجذب القوارض وتقودها إلى المصيدة
:كيفية الٳستخدام
ضع مصيدة بجانب الحائط أو أي سطح عمودي قد تتواجد فيه القوارض الزاحفة
تكثر هذه القوارض في الحدائق والأقبية والمرائب ومباني تخزين البضائع وفي الأماكن الخارجية
لا تضع المصيدة في مناطق مفتوحة إذ أنّ القوارض تميل إلى تجنّبها
أبعِد المصيدة عن مصادر المياه الجارية
ثبّت المصيدة بإحكام في حال وضعها في الخارج لتفادي تغيّر وضعيتها أو ابتعادها عن المكان المستهدف
تحتوي على مواد غذائية جاذبة
آمن للأطفال، آمن للحيوانات الأليفة، بدون مواد كيمائية مضافة، للٳستعمال الداخلي والخارجي
:مدة ٳنتهاء الصلاحية
للٳستخدام الداخلي 12 شهر و6 أشهر للٳستخدام الخارجي