InVict Gold Cockroach Gel


Size: 15g


Eliminate Cockroaches for Good: InVict Gold Cockroach Gel - The Targeted & Effective Solution!

Tired of seeing unwelcome cockroaches scurry across your floor? Target and eliminate these pests with InVict Gold Cockroach Gel! This powerful formula attracts and eradicates cockroaches, delivering long-lasting control and peace of mind.   

Here's why InVict Gold Cockroach Gel is your secret weapon:

  • Attractive Formula: Cockroaches are drawn to the bait, ensuring effective consumption.
  • Long-Lasting Control: Eliminates not only adult roaches but also younger nymphs for a long-term solution.
  • Domino Effect: Cockroaches who consume the gel can transfer it to others, multiplying its effectiveness.   
  • Easy-to-Use Syringe Applicator: Allows for targeted application in cracks, crevices, and other roach hiding spots.
  • Child & Pet Safe (When Used as Directed): Provides peace of mind for families with kids and furry companions.   


InVict Gold is a perfect gel bait for German Cockroach that are mostly found in kitchen and bathroom.

How to use InVict Gold Gel:

  1. Place the gel in bathrooms, kitchens, closets, under and behind equipment in small droplets.
  2. Suitable to use in food plants, schools, child care, health centers or any other location where the cockroach may be present.


  1. Roaches begin dying in as little as 20 minutes after eating the bait.
  2. Proven secondary kill when roaches are exposed to carcasses and droppings of roaches that ate the bait.
  3. Contains unique food grade attractants.
  4. Slow to dry, lasts for 3 months.


Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid........2.15%

Other Ingredients:.......................97.85%



Up to 2 years when stored in dry place

Don't let cockroaches take over your home! Order your InVict Gold Cockroach Gel today and experience a discreet and effective way to eliminate these unwanted guests. Take back control and enjoy a pest-free haven!



انفكت غولد عبارة عن طعم جل مثالي للصراصير الألمانية التي توجد في الغالب في المطبخ والحمام.

:كيفية الٳستخدام

ضع مصيدة  بجانب الحائط أو أي سطح عمودي قد تتواجد فيه القوارض الزاحفة

 تكثر هذه القوارض في الحدائق والأقبية والمرائب ومباني تخزين البضائع وفي الأماكن الخارجية

 لا تضع المصيدة في مناطق مفتوحة إذ أنّ القوارض تميل إلى تجنّبها


أبعِد المصيدة عن مصادر المياه الجارية

 ثبّت المصيدة بإحكام في حال وضعها في الخارج لتفادي تغيّر وضعيتها أو ابتعادها عن المكان المستهدف

 تحتوي على مواد غذائية جاذبة


إميداكلوبريد ............................ %2.15

مكونات أخرى: ....................... %97.85

المجموع: ............................ %100.00

:مدة الصلاحية

تصل إلى سنتين عند التخزين في مكان جاف



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