
Catch Those Pesky Flies: The Catcher Trap - Say Goodbye to Summer Buzz!

Tired of swatting at flies that keep interrupting your outdoor fun? Look no further than The Catcher Trap! This innovative product utilizes a unique design to effectively capture flies, keeping your patio, deck, or yard free from these buzzing nuisances.

Here's why The Catcher Trap is your fly-fighting champion:

  • Clever Design: Attracts and traps flies with a special visual lure, eliminating the need for messy attractants.
  • Eco-Friendly Solution: Provides a chemical-free way to control flies, making it safe for your family and pets.
  • Suitable for Indoor & Outdoor Use: Versatile design allows for placement in kitchens, patios, or anywhere flies become a problem.
  • Discreet & Effective: Blends in with your surroundings while efficiently trapping flies.


Trap for flying insects.

How to use:

  1. Place the CATCHER TRAP at various locations and heights to determine the most effective placement.
  2. Place the CATCHER TRAP near sources of light or any infested places at heights.
  3. Place several traps for ultimate protection.


Safe for children, safe for pets, no added chemicals, for indoor & outdoor use

Expiry Date:

12 months for indoor use & 6 month for outdoor use



Enjoy a fly-free summer! Order your Catcher Trap today and experience a humane and effective way to eliminate flies from your space. Take back control of your outdoor oasis and relax without the constant buzzing!



مصيدة الحشرات الطائرة

:كيفية الٳستخدام

ضع المصيدة في مواقع وارتفاعات مختلفة لتحديد الأمكان الأكثر التقاطًا للحشرات

ضع المصيدة  بالقرب من مصادر الضوء أو في أي أماكن مرتفعة تتفشى فيها الحشرات الطائرة

إستخدم عدة مصائد للحصول على حمايةٍ قصوى


آمن للأطفال، آمن للحيوانات الأليفة، بدون مواد كيمائية مضافة، للٳستعمال الداخلي والخارجي

:مدة ٳنتهاء الصلاحية

  للٳستخدام الداخلي 12 شهر و6 أشهر للٳستخدام الخارجي

